Braves pinch-hitter Charlie Culberson suffered a harrowing injury in Saturday's Braves-Nationals game (ATL-WAS box score) when he was struck in the face by a pitch from Fernando Rodney during a bunt attempt. Here's the immediate aftermath: 

Culberson was on the ground for several minutes in obvious pain, and he appeared to be bleeding. Finally, he was able to stand up and be helped into a waiting cart. The Nationals Park crowd gave him a warm ovation as he left the field: 

Sunday, the Braves announced that Culberson suffered multiple fractures to facial bones in the cheek area. He will be further evaluated in Atlanta in the coming days for further prognosis, but it's safe to say he'll miss several games, maybe the rest of the regular season. 

While Culberson's health is obviously the story here, it's also worth noting that one umpire ruled that Culberson offered at the pitch and was thus given a strike as opposed to first base. This set Atlanta manager Brian Snitker off in a big way (possible NSFW language):

Snitker was no doubt already upset to see his player suffer such a serious injury, and his frustration at the strike call is understandable in any context. The good news for Snitker and the Braves is that they went on to score four runs in the frame, as Washington manager Davey Martinez made the mistake of leaving in a clearly rattled Rodney.